“Johnson, you saw like an old lady!”

I had to stay at work late again tonight, this time in Ft. Collins, so I didn’t get much done at home again. There is really no time for writing in all of this; hopefully when I get the office all done I will be able to settle into a morning writing/exercise routine. I have a great assignment for my next class with Melanie Tem; it’s intimidating, which is good.

Speaking of intimidation, I’ve got the saw for cutting the bookshelves tomorrow. I’m intimidated by that prospect, because I’m afraid I will wind up with two useless pieces of gargantuan firewood. I kid you not; these bookshelves are BIG: 6′ 9″ x 3′ x 2′, double-sided. If it works, I’ll have six useable bookshelves that are only one foot deep. When it comes to woodworking, I’m not that great. I vividly remember my 8th grade Shop teacher walking up and telling me, “Johnson, you saw like an old lady.” Maybe that’s feeding into my intimidation here, even though I’ll be using a circular saw. Also, my father cut off his left hand pinky with a circular saw, so I’m sure that has something to do with it.