Treading water

The Tem writing group went well again. We had a good turnout, and again discussed the responsibilities of the artist in using inspirations from real life so the other members could join in.

I also finished critiquing a manuscript for a friend today, but she didn’t have time to meet to discuss the critique.

I did meet with the staff of West Side Books and discuss the revision of their website. It sounds like they have some good ideas, and I should be able to get something up there soon that will satisfy their wants.

Zen Web

I found out today that I am now the official webmaster for West Side’s Book Annex. I will be putting in some time revamping and adding to the current site soon. That whole thing came about because I had done a search on Google for the exact string “Stories for All Seasons” and this site ranked 3rd out of 300+ listings. I sent that information along to the owner of West Side Books, and she asked me what I was doing right, then offered me the responsibility of being the webmaster. Now I just need to perform the same feat with the West Side Books site.

I also sent out the Old Possum’s Writing Group announcements for next Monday’s meeting, which didn’t require a lot of creativity, but does relate to writing. 🙂

I relaxed in bed last night by reading some more of Zen Guitar. I find that I’m enjoying that book very much, especially since I’m in the midst of a musical spurt. Some of the issues that I have been concerned about as a player are addressed in the book. If I can remember to take the book’s advice and rely on intuition when I’m playing, rather than trying to think too much about what I’m playing, I will become a better player. When I finish that book, I will definitely post a review on this site.

Music + Computer = Geek

Today I made a practice CD for my band, Flat Rabbit. Using the World Wide Woodshed‘s Slow Gold program, I was able to transpose three of the songs from the key of E flat up a half step to E, which will be convenient because it means that we can practice along with the CD without having to detune our instruments. In a live setting, we would just play the songs a half step up anyway, so it makes sense to practice them as we would play them. The songs lost some quality and gained some delay artifacts in the transposition, but they will still suit the purpose well.

Morrowind Creativity

The most creative thing I did today involved playing Morrowind. My character contracted a disease in a remote area after fighting several undead creatures which had drained his strength and endurance. The disease (called “the Blight”) further drained him until he had no strength or endurance left at all. (In this game, Strength and Endurance are physical attributes of the character. Both attributes had values of zero.)

The challenge before me was to get my character back up to full strength and get the disease cured, but since his strength was sapped, he couldn’t carry anything with him. Part of his quest involved returning a couple of items to a guild master in another town, so he had to be able to carry things to complete the quest. However, in order for him to be able to move at all, he had to take off all the armor and possessions that he carried, leaving him defenseless against creatures in the wilderness. Fortunately, in Morrowind, gold evidently weighs nothing, so he was at least able to carry money.

After stripping to his loin cloth and picking up his gold, he ran through the wilderness to the nearest town. In several places along the way, he encountered creatures that tried to attack him, but he was able to get by the creatures without being injured too much more. When he arrived at the town, he spoke with several locals who were a bit offended by his lack of dress. Through those conversations, he learned that there was no healer in town and no place to purchase healing potions. Fortunately, the town was coastal, so he was able to book passage on a ship to another, larger town.

In the larger town, he found a healer and purchased potions to cure the Blight, restore his strength and restore his endurance. With the few gold coins he had left, he bought a knife and some clothes, took the ship back to the small coastal town, and ran back through the wilderness to gather his things. He then ran back to the small town, took the ship back to the larger town, and was able to use other transport to get back to the guild master and complete his quest. That was the closest this character has come to death and still avoided it.

Of course, I could have just loaded a previously saved game and completed the quest again, but that wouldn’t have been creative, now would it?

(I also went to see my friend John play with his band, Better Than Nothing, and that was fun. I couldn’t stay late enough to see the whole show, unfortunately.)