Sour mood

Today was a relaxing day, but my mood is pretty sour. I’ve been snapping at my wife and son and heaping guilt on myself for playing Morrowind instead of getting some writing done. By the end of the day, I hope to get my review of The Legend That Was Earth written, and perhaps review Rush’s new album, Vapor Trails. I also want to put together a CD of the cover tunes that Flat Rabbit plays to use as a practice CD. If I add to this entry, that means that I got some or all of that done. If I don’t add to it, put your fingers in the shape of an “L” on your forehead and call me a complete loser.

(Later that evening …) Okay, you don’t have to call me a complete loser. I did finish the review of The Legend That Was Earth. (I know, I know, “that” and “was” technically shouldn’t be capitalized in that title. I chose to capitalize them anyway because it’s a pretentious enough title that those words feel like they need to be capitalized.) It’s fairly late now, though, so I won’t get the Rush review or the CD put together. I guess that just makes me a partial loser, rather than a complete loser. 😉


Today I read “Half-Lives” again and also read over the critiques I have gotten for that story. It needs work, but then again, I think everything needs work every time I read it. As I read through it, I could hear what needed to be fixed in my head, which is good. Perhaps it means I’m developing more of a talent for the flow of a story. It is odd, though, because I’ve read that story out loud at least twice before, and it didn’t sound that clunky then. I guess time and distance from a piece really do make a difference in objectivity.

I write today’s entry with mixed emotions; I’m glad I finally got out the story and dug through it, but I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t get it done by the time I had wanted to (last Saturday.) I think I should be able to revise it easily by Father’s Day, though, despite my busy work and family schedule.

Memorial Day Rambling

I updated this log for the first time in several days, filling in the blanks of what I did each day. I briefly debated about how to write those entries, since I wasn’t writing them on the day of, but I decided to put myself in the frame of mind of writing as if it were the end of that day, so each one sounds like it comes from that day. “That’s lying,” my subconscious says, but I’m not sure I agree with him. I’m still reporting what I did that relates to creativity, and the purpose of this log is to list what I’ve done, not to be a live timeline. I think I can take the liberty of playing catch-up occasionally, as long as I get it all down. I almost finished The Legend That Was Earth today.

I have several projects to work on. I already mentioned the “Half-Lives” project in yesterday’s entry. I also need to finish my Carvin Bolt Guitar Kit essay and review soon, because my website statistics show that a lot of people are being referred to this site when they search on “Carvin Bolt Kit” or similar terms. They get here, then they find one page of the planned 10 page essay, which is very unprofessional. It would also be a good idea for me to start posting reviews of the books I read and the albums I buy on my site again. It’s been a long time since I posted either. Perhaps I should start with a review of The Legend That Was Earth. Also, I want to get back to my bookstore story and write another couple of Fear Sphere stories, particularly “Sphere of Success.”

If I ever do make it as a writer, I think I will be able to find plenty to do to supplement my income. After all, I have too much to do for this site as it is, and I’m not being paid for it. 😀

As long as I’m rambling, I may as well point out a trend that I’ve noticed. When I started this journal, I intended to just list what I had done that day in small entries. Since I decided to give myself a rule of making the entries in complete sentences on May 19th, the entries have expanded and become a little more personal. This journal may evolve from just a creativity journal to a general journal, but I will try to keep the focus on creativity. That shouldn’t be too hard; my life tends to revolve around creativity in one form or another anyway.

Attack of the Italics

I meant to write today, really I did. Then my wife and I went to see Unfaithful and Insomnia. (I’m glad for these short movie titles. They make up for all the long titles of late.) Both movies were good; Insomnia was better. When we came home, I did read some more of The Legend That Was Earth. I’m hoping to finish that this evening; my reading stack is getting full. After I finish that, I plan to read Sophie’s World, Word Work, Writers of the Future Vol. XVII, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Two Towers (again) and Zen Guitar. I may make Zen Guitar into a one-a-day ritual, or perhaps a practice session ritual before I play.

I also need to re-read “Half-Lives of Quiet Desperation” and the critiques of same so I can decide how to revise it. I want to have it revised by Father’s Day (June 16th.)

Geeking out

Flat Rabbit jam; John wasn’t able to show due to another commitment, but Brad and I went through all our material and played a bunch of other songs and song fragments. I also bought a Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum setup for the computer. It has an SPDIF input and MIDI In and Out so I can interact with my Fender Cyber-Twin Amplifier easily. How does this relate to creativity? It’s a music tool. Perhaps I can make some digital recordings and post them to this site as MP3s. (Being a geek, it also makes me very happy to be able to connect my music, writing and computer hobbies all together. 😀 )

I also bought Morrowind, by Bethesda Softworks. This is the sequel to Daggerfall, and could prove to be a huge time sink if I’m not very careful. Perhaps I could use sessions of Morrowind as rewards for accomplishing small writing goals, as Bruce suggested in his workshop.