Busy Day

Brainstormed online with friends Mary and Michael about Michael’s story, worked more on the revision of “Saint and Cynic.” Did homework for tomorrow night’s Tem workshop, which resulted in a new poem called “The Words Not Spoken,” an experiment based mainly on Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” I borrowed the form from this poem, and the title was inspired by “The Road Not Taken” by the same poet. It was a fun experiment; I haven’t written a good poem for a while. (Some would say I’ve never written a good poem!) I also attended Stories for All Seasons. Busy day for creativity.

Any noun can be verbed

Lunched with Michael Main. (There I go, turning a noun into a verb. Shame on me!) We discussed “Saint and Cynic” briefly, and discussed progress on one of his stories as well. In the evening, I worked on “Saint and Cynic” briefly, but quit in favor of spending some time playing Magic: The Gathering with my son. Will complete the revision tomorrow at lunch and in the evening.

Full day, no pay

Critiqued four chapters of a novel, two short stories and two poems for the Old Possum’s workshop. In the evening, I went to the Old Possum’s workshop. Full day.

More Cynic than Saint

Worked on revision of “Saint and Cynic.” I’m beginning to hate the piece, I think. When I originally wrote it, I went for a parable tone, and people responded positively to that before. But when I read it now, I don’t like that tone. It feels flat and lifeless. However, I don’t have enough time to completely change the tone of the piece, so I guess I’ll just have to grit my teeth and make the small changes for now.

“The Saint and the Cynic”

Began third revision of “The Saint and the Cynic,” my story about a fictional encounter between St. Francis and Diogenes. Ugh. Either I’ve become a better writer since I revised it a couple of years ago, or the story just never was any good. The language is too stilted, the story has POV problems, the list goes on. I’m hoping to have this revised by next Thursday to submit it to the Tem writing group, and it’s going to take a lot of work to get it there.


It’s amazing how quickly inspiration withers away. (see “Inspirational Inadequacy,” in the Original Poetry section.)