The Green Hills of Earth

The Green Hills of Earth

By: Robert A. Heinlein

Type: Short Story Collection

Setting: Various


This book consists of several classic Heinlein science fiction stories, including “Delilah and the Space-Rigger,” “Space Jockey,” “The Long Watch,” “Gentlemen, Be Seated,” “The Black Pits of Luna,” “‘It’s Great to Be Back!'” “‘–We Also Walk Dogs’,” “Ordeal in Space,” “The Green Hills of Earth,” and “Logic of Empire.” 


In this collection of classic science fiction stories, we see a few glimpses of Heinlein’s future history future history series and the military and social philosphies that Heinlein used to build such works as Starship Troopers and Time Enough for Love. The language is much simpler and the characterizations are more shallow, but the stories provide a wonderful backdrop to the later works. These stories are not intended for juveniles, as Red Planet is, but they also don’t tax your brain as much as some other Heinlein works like “The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathon Hoag” or “The House that Jack Built.” Also, they fit nicely into a spare hour or lunch break. 


Good light reading from the end of the Golden Age of Science Fiction.